Thursday, April 21, 2011

Hay Bale Wedding Cake

I was so pleased Maurdith asked me to do her wedding cake! She was thinking a horseshoe, but when I saw a hay bale, I couldn't help myself! The horses seemed like the perfect topper!


Purse Cake

These were for a relief society birthday party themed "Up Close and Purse-onal." This cake and the fondant gave me such fits! Lots of prayer went into the purse! :)

Purse $50
sheet $20

Baby Shower Cake


Banana Cake

Ivan wanted a Donkey Kong cake for his birthday, but at the last minute he decided he would like bananas (THANK YOU IVAN!), one for DK and one for Diddy Kong. My own kids tend to get me when I'm caked out, so this wasn't my best work, but he was happy...and grateful. I love that!


Blue and Gold Banquet

This was for a cub scout blue and gold banquet that included an arrow of light ceremony. I called in reinforcements (Holly and Jaynie) to build the campfire! This was a monster of a cake!
